THE Disney Way 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子书 mobi 在线
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Book Description
In The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company, Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson, Fortune 100 consultants with clients throughout the world, examine Disney's business philosophy and explain how it can be used in any company to achieve superior team-work, creativity, and innovation. The authors introduce four principles - Dream, Believe, Dare, and Do - and reveal how these ideas drive the ten principles that are at the heart of every Disney strategy. Each principle is then examined in detail by illustrating the principle at work at Disney as well as at other successful companies.
In this book, you'll learn how to give every member of your organization the chance to dream, and tap into the creativity those dreams embody; treat your customers like guests; build long-term relationships with key suppliers and partners; dare to take calculated risks in order to bring innovative ideas to fruition; and align long-term vision with short-term execution.
Walt Disney inspired generations with his creative genius and shrewd business acumen. While delighting us with the magic of Mickey Mouse, he also introduced corporate America to some innovative and brilliant new ways of doing business. And as everyone knows, the Disney companies have grown beyond anything even Walt himself could have imagined. Now, this practical, hands-on book takes an in-depth look at Disney's business philosophy and the principles behind it, demonstrating how today's managers can successfully apply them and bring a little Disney magic to their own business-no matter what it is.
From Booklist
Two years ago, consultant Tom Connellan used Disney as a model in his Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney's Success. Whereas Connellan focused on customer service, Capodagli and Jackson hold up Disney as a standard for its management methods and corporate culture. Like Connellan, these two authors are enchanted by the "Disney magic." In neither case did the Walt Disney Company provide sponsorship or even cooperate with the authors. Capodagli and Jackson are consultants who use the Disney model in their work. They have distilled the essence of Disney into the exhortation "Dream! Believe! Dare! Do!" and they identify 10 beliefs that "are at the heart of the Disney methodology." Interwoven throughout their book are examples of how they have successfully applied this credo in their work with other companies. Their primary, recurring illustration is that of their work with a successful restructuring at Whirlpool and the building of its Global No-Frost Team.
David Rouse
Book Description
"I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true." -Walt Disney. Walt Disney's dreams, beliefs, and daring gave birth to captivating characters, thrilling theme park attractions, and breathtaking tales that have inspired the imaginations of generations of children and adults. Disney also launched an entertainment and marketing empire whose influence is felt around the world, and whose success provides a model of business excellence that can guide any company. Each principle is then examined in detail by illustrating the principle at work at Disney as well as at other successful companies.
Capodagli and Jackson have spent their careers studying Disney and teaching this unique management method to others. As consultants to companies ranging from Illinois Power to Bristol-Myers Squibb and Whirlpool, they have used the Disney principles again and again, and have seen them yield startling performance improvements. They have distilled this wisdom in THE DISNEY WAY. In this book, you'll learn how to: Give every member of your organization the chance to dream, and tap into the creativity those dreams embody; Treat your customers like guests; Build long-term relationships with key suppliers and partners; Dare to take calculated risks in order to bring innovative ideas to fruition; Align long-term vision with short-term execution. And more. No fairy dust. No magic wands. No wishing on a star. Just sound, effective management principles that stem from Walt Disney's values, vision, and philosophy. Lists of questions to ask and actions to take, along with real-life examples, will help you adapt the Disney Way to suit your company's needs. From the hiring and training of employees to the realization of a creative concept to exceptional customer service, every aspect of the Walt Disney Company is linked to Walt Disney's vision.
Book Description
Height (mm) 233 Width (mm) 154
Book Description
In The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company, Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson, Fortune 100 consultants with clients throughout the world, examine Disney's business philosophy and explain how it can be used in any company to achieve superior team-work, creativity, and innovation. The authors introduce four principles - Dream, Believe, Dare, and Do - and reveal how these ideas drive the ten principles that are at the heart of every Disney strategy. Each principle is then examined in detail by illustrating the principle at work at Disney as well as at other successful companies.
In this book, you'll learn how to give every member of your organization the chance to dream, and tap into the creativity those dreams embody; treat your customers like guests; build long-term relationships with key suppliers and partners; dare to take calculated risks in order to bring innovative ideas to fruition; and align long-term vision with short-term execution.
Walt Disney inspired generations with his creative genius and shrewd business acumen. While delighting us with the magic of Mickey Mouse, he also introduced corporate America to some innovative and brilliant new ways of doing business. And as everyone knows, the Disney companies have grown beyond anything even Walt himself could have imagined. Now, this practical, hands-on book takes an in-depth look at Disney's business philosophy and the principles behind it, demonstrating how today's managers can successfully apply them and bring a little Disney magic to their own business-no matter what it is.
From Booklist
Two years ago, consultant Tom Connellan used Disney as a model in his Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney's Success. Whereas Connellan focused on customer service, Capodagli and Jackson hold up Disney as a standard for its management methods and corporate culture. Like Connellan, these two authors are enchanted by the "Disney magic." In neither case did the Walt Disney Company provide sponsorship or even cooperate with the authors. Capodagli and Jackson are consultants who use the Disney model in their work. They have distilled the essence of Disney into the exhortation "Dream! Believe! Dare! Do!" and they identify 10 beliefs that "are at the heart of the Disney methodology." Interwoven throughout their book are examples of how they have successfully applied this credo in their work with other companies. Their primary, recurring illustration is that of their work with a successful restructuring at Whirlpool and the building of its Global No-Frost Team.
David Rouse
Book Description
"I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true." -Walt Disney. Walt Disney's dreams, beliefs, and daring gave birth to captivating characters, thrilling theme park attractions, and breathtaking tales that have inspired the imaginations of generations of children and adults. Disney also launched an entertainment and marketing empire whose influence is felt around the world, and whose success provides a model of business excellence that can guide any company. Each principle is then examined in detail by illustrating the principle at work at Disney as well as at other successful companies.
Capodagli and Jackson have spent their careers studying Disney and teaching this unique management method to others. As consultants to companies ranging from Illinois Power to Bristol-Myers Squibb and Whirlpool, they have used the Disney principles again and again, and have seen them yield startling performance improvements. They have distilled this wisdom in THE DISNEY WAY. In this book, you'll learn how to: Give every member of your organization the chance to dream, and tap into the creativity those dreams embody; Treat your customers like guests; Build long-term relationships with key suppliers and partners; Dare to take calculated risks in order to bring innovative ideas to fruition; Align long-term vision with short-term execution. And more. No fairy dust. No magic wands. No wishing on a star. Just sound, effective management principles that stem from Walt Disney's values, vision, and philosophy. Lists of questions to ask and actions to take, along with real-life examples, will help you adapt the Disney Way to suit your company's needs. From the hiring and training of employees to the realization of a creative concept to exceptional customer service, every aspect of the Walt Disney Company is linked to Walt Disney's vision.
Book Description
Height (mm) 233 Width (mm) 154
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